Knapsack changelog
Reduced Merge Conflicts
We love that Knapsack stores it's content in git and all that it enables: change management, history, rollback, automation, and more! However we've recently heard from you that a spike in merge conflicts when editing content has been experienced and that is no fun! The updates we've put out today will really help this out!
It does require just a bit of action on your end though with running some update commands and committing the migration results. Here's what to do:
Simply run the command below to update past 4.30.0, follow the instructions, and commit the results.
npx @knapsack/update@latest
It's advised to not have ongoing branches that started before this update. Publish the branches before running the update. Once the changes have been pushed up and the App Client has deployed, then editing is safe to resume.
This change pulls all the blocks and demos out of the single db.yml
file – each block and demo will be stored as a single JSON file in a dedicated "blocks" or "demos" subdirectory. Individual files are much easier for git to track versus different parts of the same file, so merge conflicts will happen much less often.
If you have any problems, please reach out to [email protected] and we'll be happy to help out!